six less than a number is nine

Answers: 1 Show answers Another question on Mathematics. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Which inequality represents "six times a number is less than negative thirty-nine and three-quarters"? Then, move to the algebraic method shown below. Write an equation for the translation of y = |x| for 2 units down. From the statement, (x + 3) / 6 = 9. Check both. An angle measures seventeen more than three times a number. 4x-5+5=143+5 This site is using cookies under cookie policy . x=16 copyright 2003-2023 Noah mixture =4 : 5, Q:Which phrase best represents the following? Translate into an algebraic expression. A:In this question, we need to find the pounds of $0.88 candy. Mathematics, 21.06.2019 17:30. Use the variable j to represent Jenny's age. endobj Eight times a number is forty-eight 6. Challenge a 335-foot drop tower, Falcon's Fury, or race like a cheetah on Cheetah Hunt. Answer: If z varies jointly as x and y and inversely as w, write the appropriate combined variation equation and find z for the given values of x, y, and w. z equals 15 when x equals three, y equals four, and w equals nine. endobj Conclude this example with the statements below. My friend had a nearly-empty tank of gas, only enough to travel 15. 5.c Since one angle measure is x, it is 25.5. x C 5 9 Shaq shot 420 baskets in 14 minutes. The measure of the second angle is 74, the measure of the first angle is \(\frac{74^{\circ}-10^{\circ}}{4}\)=\(\frac{64^{\circ}}{4}\)=16, and the measure of the third angle is 90. Let's compare the two-digit numbers, 32 and 14. T, Translate into an algebraic expression. On a daily basis, we post 10 MCQs, based on daily current affairs from PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, DTE, TOI, and Live mint. We know that "Double a number" means #2x#, where #x# is your mystery number. For each of the following problems, write an equation and solve. 8 hours rate = $150 This can be represented as 75 < 85. Explain with an example. In algebra, the translates to 5x = 3y . Add comment. There is no smallest negative integer. 7\(\frac{x}{2}\) =182 The term 'greater than' means one value is larger than the other value. Cost of current model = $41,000 Dattaprabhakar G. Three more than the product of 24 and Mabel's height, with m to represent Mabel's height. Pick the choice that matches that. on the next two, Q:19. 1.C Answer. Thus, the less than greater than symbols are < and > respectively. 7x-1+1=90+1 SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(dd, Number-1, @StartDate)) BETWEEN 2 AND 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As NumberOfWeekDays FROM dbo . Mix B: 8 cups of concentrate with 15 cups of, A:Mix A: 4 cups of concentrate with 6 cups of water. Q:Zoe is riding her bike from her house to the park. A right triangle is described as having an angle of measure six less than negative two times a number, another angle measure that is three less than negative one-fourth the number, and a right angle. 12 Demonstrate the process with an example. The synonyms for greater than are 'larger than', 'bigger than', 'higher than', and 'above'. Nine less than a number is fifteen to create and solve the equation. 5x+10=90 m < =1 m > 1 m < 13 m -13 2.) Let 2n-9 be 9 less than twice the number. six less than half of a number Answers x/2 - 6 or .5x - 6 5.) Replacing x with 76 in \(\frac{x}{2}\) gives \(\frac{76}{2}\)=38; therefore, the measure of B is 38. What is an "additive inverse? 7x-5=7x+8 The given values are 28 km and 42.6 km. x C 5 > 9 Six more than 5 times the number is the same as 9 less than the twice the number. The same is the case with the greater than sign. A.6 - n \\B.6 + n \\C.6n \\D. After 2 minutes she is 0.8 miles from home. 5x + 4 = 35: Eight less than nine times a . Step 3. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, In Booneville, the use of landlines has been declining at a rate of 20% every year. Glencoe Algebra 1, Student Edition, 9780079039897, 0079039898, 2018. x + 12 = 40: A number increased by fifteen is sixty-two. Why or why not? The measure of C is 2 less than half the measure of B. stops to take a picture of the scenery. The unit of both values is the same. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . 3 0 obj $>'ac>A8@XW(dh4s/FC/i{!#+'!Dp eSrt~gUHj73peD3yj0 m1vw)stbyq:O55"Zr+a>;4qU!Ks)JHNDD QIH-?d4wwucATqt_G#gt7Z (nLGyf_0GGQ+{3*[ After 12 weeks traveled, the total miles will equal? Hence it depicts the relationship between these two numbers. 15 for more than one. example: 2+2 = 4. Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression. What must her average score 5x+3y=29, im literally just trying to know what the answer of this question: What is the result if you simplify 24/32? and i cant find the answer anywhere. 28x+12-12=180-12 The two angles are complementary angles. For what amount of sugar do the two companies charge the same? More fishes means more area and, Q:Find the cost per ounce of a sunscreen made from 100 oz of a lotion that costs $1.50 per ounce and, A:Given: Most people know about Rosa Parks and the 1955 Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott. 3x=228 Use the fact that 1 km is approximately. Twelve added to a number 5. The produce of fourteen and a number 7. C) multiplication property of reciprocals. Let x be the measure of the one angle. If the tens digits are the same, we will compare the digits at the ones place. 10 PM Current Affairs MCQs Archive - Click Here. Translate into an equation. 30 is the product of Chrissy's height and 2. 4.) 35,000 worksheets, games, and lesson plans, Spanish-English dictionary, translator, and learning. 7n - 6 = -12 Eight more than four times a number is -12. Posted on February 27th, 2023 Last modified on February 27th, 2023 Comments. C) addition property of opposites. Let x be the measure of the first angle. When Achilles runs 20 feet, the tortoise will be 10 feet ahead. Maria has scores of 94, 83 and 75 on three tests. 2. For each of the following problems, write an equation and solve. For example, 2 < 4 means the number 2 is less than the number 4. (a) associative (b) commutative. What do we need to do first to solve this problem? 9x -36 &= 15 \\ Another question on Mathematics. which is an algebraic equation 5 more than z? Answer: The bill for Normal Usage would be between or equal to $49.36 and $86.32. {1} One number is nine less than a second number. Jack went on a hike for 2 hours and 15 minutes. The grade on the final test in an Algebra course counts for 20% of the One more than the product of 16 and Chau's height, What is the difference between an equation and an expression? 68 - 17 = x Answer: x = 51, so Jeanne needs $51 to buy the game. Less than half of the participants had hyperlipidaemia. Suppose there is an equation in which the following operations have been performed on the variable x, in this order: 1. How do you express the phrase "25 decreased by a number v" as an algebraic expression? 3.D Explain. Provide an example of a variable in mathematics. Write a function rule that represents a sentence. How many hcf will he be allowed to use if he wants his usage to stay in the normal range? Share Cite Follow answered Feb 22, 2019 at 14:16 Hagen von Eitzen 1 Add a comment The greater than means that some variable or number can have any value that is greater than the given limit, not less than that, or equal to that limit, whereas the less than states that the number or variable is less than the given limit. G. ". Find answers to questions asked by students like you. Explanation: "Six less than.." means "Subtract 6 from". What is meant by algebraic expression? the sum of a number and twelve. Less than a number is what it's called. As students share their solutions for this and subsequent problems, ask them a variety of questions to reinforce the concepts of the last few lessons. the total of The total of six and some number 6 + x increased by A number increased by two x + 2 added to Eleven added to a number x + 11 Subtraction ( ) minus A number minus seven X - 7 less than Four less than a number X - 4 the difference of The difference of a number and three X - 3 less Nine less a number 9 - X So 9 + x is an algebraic expression.In the next few examples, we will be working solely with . Let x be the number. What is the solution of the system? Given a right triangle, find the measures of all of the angles, in degrees, if one angle is a right angle and the measure of the second angle is six less than seven times the measure of the third angle. Get the right answer, fast. Since x is the measure of B, then B is 52. Equal, Greater or Less Than. You can ask a new question or browse more math questions. Equate expression in Steps 2 and 3 to get Step 5. A link to the app was sent to your phone. 5(25.5)-13=140-25.5=114.5. Lin mixture = 3:4 6x-13=140 Example 2: A cow weighs 400 lbs. A:Let, after x miles of driving do the two plans cost the same. Let us try using it within an example. Also total portion of the pizza is 1 =, Q:Kiran's aunt plans to bike 10 miles. twenty less than a number. Become a problem-solving champ using logic, not rules. It is an inequality symbol used to show the comparison between two or more quantities. Step 2. "Even number" is even more ambiguous than "even natural number". Four and nine tenths less than the product of a number and six is no more than eighteen and one-eighth. mork and mindy. 4.) The usage is measured in the number of hundred cubic feet (hcf) the property owner uses. On the number line, negative numbers are to the left of zero. Replacing x with 12 in 2(4x+12) gives 2(4(12)+12)=2(48+12)=2(60)=120. 3x+\(\frac{x}{2}\) -2+2=180+2 The symbol of "less than or equal to" looks like " < ". The difference of a number and six is less than nine. Replacing x with 13.5 in 2(4x+11) gives 2(4(13.5)+11)=2(54+11)=2(65)=130. 8 = 16.) . What is the cost when the two companies charge the same? 5x+100=180 On the other hand, among those women who had experienced high-risk fertility behavior, 58.7% had more than three children; 22.4% had a short birth interval (less than 24 months); 35.1% were significantly old (over 34 years old); and 1.6% were significantly young (less than 18 years old) . Ama is N year old now. Twelve less than a number is -3. Determine the measure of each angle in degrees. x=12 In mathematics, the less than and the greater than symbols describe the inequality between two values. Subtract 1 from both sides of the equation. As well as the familiar equals sign (=) it is also very useful to show if something is not equal to () greater than (>) or less than (<) These are the important signs to know: =. Use the variable g to represent Greg's savings. An additional charge of 0.2 per minute (or fractional part) for all minutes exceeding 30 hours. Set company and marketing objectives. Answer: We can represent these numbers as 2 < 3. Show transcribed image text Write an equation of the below. Translate into an equation. Then, the first angle is \(\frac{x-10}{4}\). Let x be the measure of B. Answer; 10.Three more than a number is eight. Solution Three Translate into a variable expression. The underline in the symbol shows that the value could be equal to or less than the other number. 100 oz of a lotion that costs $1.50 per ounce and 50 oz of lotion that costs $4.50 per ounce., Q:The next model of a sports car will cost 11.4% more than the current model. A pile of newspapers at the store was 17 inches high. *Response times may vary by subject and question complexity. Numbers or Constants How many hcf can the owner use if she wants her usage to stay in the conservation range? Beakey's 5-pack of makeup sponges. Question 2. What is an "additive inverse"? Let's observe the numbers, 400 and 350. No packages or subscriptions, pay only for the time you need. It is an inequality symbol as it does not establish equality between two numbers or expressions. Six less than p __p 6___ Write the phrase five dollars less than Jennifer earned as an algebraic expression. x+5x-13=140 Which sheet has fewer leaves? Question 1. 21x-9=180 All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Twice a number less six is greater than or equal to nine. Then, we can write it as 16 < 18 using the less-than sign. Choose an expert and meet online. For example, 5 < 6, represents 5 is less than 6, and 6 > 5 represents 6 is greater than 5. C The measure of the first angle is 7x+4. x+\(\frac{x-10}{4}\)+90-90=180-90 Replacing x with 13 in 6x-1 gives 6(13)-1=78-1=77. According to his fitness watch, he burned 1013, Q:1. Fourless than fivetimes a number is fifteen: How many pounds of chamomile tea that cost $7 per pound must be mixed with 9 pounds of orange tea that cost $4 per pound to make a mixture that cost $5.2? The sum of the measures of the angles in a triangle is 180. Translate into an equation. 5 years? answered by Steve. The product of 3 and the square of g equals the sum of thirty and the product of nine and g. How do you define a variable and write an expression for " eight minus the product of 9 and a number"? 17.Eleven more than twice x is five less than x. This problem has been solved! In a triangle, the measure of the first angle is six times a number. More than 19 million new cancer cases will be diagnosed globally by 2020, and more than 10 million people . Representing numbers on a number line makes it easy to identify which numbers are greater or lesser. When two values are equal. next 5, Q:*8. Tell what the variabl. Six less than twice a number is greater than or equal to. So, six times a number is less than negative thirty-nine and three-quarters is: Therefore, the correct option is C. Thank you rero rero rero rero rero rero Advertisement 703898 Answer: "six times a number is less than negative thirty-nine and three-quarters". Any, Q:2.) The sum is too large. 12x+33-33=195-33 x=13 Still looking for help? Another Happy Days spin-off that found major success outside of the original series, Mork and Mindy let audiences fall in love with Robin Williams, who played an . 100% The number of dimes is seven less than six times the number of quarters. Replacing x with 12 in 4x+12 gives 4(12)+12=48+12=60. Why or why not? More than one miscarriage or abortion. 4.a answered by oobleck September 10, 2021 Answer this Question Still need help? x=16 You bought 3 pounds of strawberries and 1 pound of blueberries for, Q:Due to the drought in California, many communities now have tiered water rates. 7(r + 250) -- 6b Answer exercise 2.4.30 Lauren has dimes and nickels in her purse. 61 times a number minus 83 is equal to -59 less than a number. He wants to sell at least 12 devices and earn at, A:Given inequality Question Voices in Bioethics is currently seeking submissions on philosophical and practical topics, both current and timeless. a.r * 12 b.r/12**** c.r-12 2. write a word phrase for the algebraic expression: 2t - 9 a.nine fewer than two times a number t***** b.nine fewer than two times a number t c.nine. First, set the "number" as variable x. Let's pick "x" for the number. When translating words Into an Algebraic Equation, what are clue words that might help? Write an equation that represents the verbal description below. Therefore, the angle measure is 87. Replacing x with 25.5 in 5x-13 gives 19 The distribution for continuous outcomes for the PBL and control groups at the 1-year, 3-year and 5-year follow-ups is illustrated with a summary of data including minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile and maximum . The sum of the measures of A and B is 114. 3 Use the variable g to represent Gail's savings. Concept: x = 20: A number is equal to the sum of twice the number and negative three. translate the following statement into an inequality. 4x+x-10=360 You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Show that the equation y=y0+v0t+1/2at^2 can be rearranged into t=(-v0 plus-minus sqrt(v0^2-4(0.5a)(y0-y))/(2(0.5a)). Include an example of each. The measure of the other angle is \(\frac{x}{4}\)-3. Total rooms = 300 If necessary, round your answer to the nearest whole number. The various forms of cancer are undeniably a pandemic, and the rate at which some cancers are spreading worldwide quickly outpaces efforts to stop it. Solution Two We are given the following statement: "The product of four less than a number and nine is fifteen". Replacing x with 52 in 2x gives 2(52)=104. There are different rates for Conservation Usage, Normal Usage and Excessive Usage. 5x-7x+3x-6, Write an algebraic expression for this statement: "Desmond is 7 inches taller than Nicki". B: X>1 base rate = $25 Write an equation that represents the following statement: The product of 5 and a number plus 3 is equal to 15. Let x be the number. Answer: Answer Practice Set A Two ninths of a number is eleven. Find the number. 6x+9=9x-30 \frac{n}{6} 2. Nine months earlier, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat on the same bus system. Answer: LESS THAN the first number subtracted from the second! five times the difference of a number and one. Replacing x with 16 in 3x+17 gives 3(16)+17=65. Replacing x with 6 in 14x+8 gives 14(6)+8=84+8=92. Substitution Property of Equality: If a = 20, then 5a = _____. A + B = B + A What property of addition is shown by the equation? They could begin their work by guessing and checking, drawing a diagram, or other methods as appropriate. Which sentence can represent the inequality. A number minus seven yields ten 3. The product of Gail's savings and 7 is 126. Add 4 to both sides of the equation. A:X-5>9 \(\frac{8}{8}\) x=\(\frac{96}{8}\) A student is trying to decide between, A:Given: twice the number, what is the number? Focus Topic Chinese Forecasts for 2023: China's worsening geopolitical environment by Helena Legarda One year after Russia launched its war against Ukraine, Beijing's view of the international environment is gloomier than ever. x+\(\frac{x}{2}\) =114 3+54.5=x-54.5+54.5 20/4, Q:If cherries cost $2.95 / pound in the USA. Because the angles are congruent, their measures are equal. The sum of A and B is 114. 425L+125S4500 102 is the product of Chau's height and 6. Explain your answer. Then, the measure of one angle is 6x+9. Five less than twice the number is 75. Explain your answer. The phrase is "six times a number is less than negative thirty-nine and three-quarters". 3.) If he bought. Ms. Sue. Therefore, the other angle measures 114.5. The sum of 52 and y is equal to 62.34. the quotient of five and a number. Twice a number less six is greater than or equal to nine and half a number. When the square of a number is decreased by nine and then divided by six less than twice the same number 7 the result is (1) three more than twice the number (2) one third of two less than the number (3) one half of three more than the number (4) four less than one fourth of the number Bry! The sum of the measures for the angles for this right triangle is x+4x+10+90=180. Therefore, the measures of the angles are 46, 42, and 92. Replacing x with 6 in 7x gives 7(6)=42. Learn the why behind math with our certified experts, How To Make a Greater Than or Equal to Sign. Replacing x with 52 in \(\frac{x}{2}\) -2 gives \(\frac{52}{2}\)-2=26-2=24. x+\(\frac{x-10}{4}\)+90=180. So, six times a number is less than negative thirty-nine and three-quarters is: "six times a number is less than negative thirty-nine and three-quarters". The measure of the first angle is 16, the measure of the second angle is 4(16)+10=64+10=74, and the measure of the third angle is 90. Translate the following statement into an algebraic equation and then solve. semester grade. Given a right triangle, find the degree measure of the angles if one angle is ten degrees more than four times the degree measure of the other angle and the third angle is the right angle. Eight more than the product of seven and Mabel's age. Thus, we can say that 14 is less than 32. A man decides which load plan is the best choice if he has an average of 1000.75 min of call in 30 days. 35,000 worksheets, games, and lesson plans, Spanish-English dictionary, translator, and learning, a Question Three less than a certain number is 9. Answer: 16 A total of six and some number 4. Plan Y: A fee of 100 for 30 days and a charge of 0.8 per minute (or fractional part) for all calls. How do you evaluate the expression #2x+1# for #x=1#? While comparing the two-digit numbers, we first compare the tens place digits. How do you translate word phrases to algebraic expressions? One third of difference between 6 and p is added to 8. 7x-1=90 February 27, 2023 endeavor air pilot contract No Comments . Use less than symbol to represent this information. Step 2. Ten is five less than a number. One more than the product of 23 and Jenny's age, Translate into an algebraic expression. Greek Mythology Can the Greek hero Achilles, running at 20 feet per second, ever catch a tortoise, starting 20 feet ahead of Achilles and running at 10 feet per second? The greatest negative integer is -1. Providing specialized services, targeting particular demographics, or narrowing your attention to only those products that best meet the demands of your clients are all examples of serving a small niche. 5.C 7x+4+7x+14x+8=180 Otherwise, continue to Step 2. It's ideal to wait 18 to 24 months between pregnancies. Translate the following statement into an equation and then solve for the variable: The sum of two times a number and 8 is five times the difference of a number and 6. \(\frac{3x}{2}\) =114 What is the solution of the system? The first company charges $5500 to rent trucks plus an additional fee of $125.25 for each ton of sugar. The measure of the first angle is 16, the measure of the second angle is 4(16)+10=64+10=74, and the measure of the third angle is 90. Can you solve for a variable in an expression? Give a simple example. Write a word problem about collecting to represent this equation: 5 + 6x = 21 + 4x. 4(x+\(\frac{x-10}{4}\)=90) 10.Three more than a number is eight. (x-3) - 10 = 9. x=22. Your question is solved by a Subject Matter Expert. He finished fifth in QB rushing yards behind Justin Fields, Lamar Jackson, Josh Allen, and . Example 1: Erica had to collect various kinds of leaves and paste them into 2 sheets. (x + 3) = 54. x = 51. What is meant by the term Variable in the algebra? The number -11 is more than One angle measures nine more than six times a number. All literal equations have how many variables? Find his basket rate in baskets per minute. Solve using the addition principle. If there are The current model costs, A:Given data: Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Vanguard is closing its UK financial planning arm less than two years after its launch in April 2021 after a disappointing number of customers signed up to a new low-cost retirement advice service . (4+1)x-10=360 Are the angles congruent? Step 1. 12x+36=180 Can u plz translate each sentence into an equation? Thecostofapound=$1.69Thus,costperpound,c1=$1.69perpound . %PDF-1.5 Its supplement is twice as large. The even whole numbers less than $6$ are $0,2,4$. (-\(\frac{8x}{4}\))+(-\(\frac{x}{4}\))-9=90 The measure of the third angle is 90. As a part of her assignment, Erica pasted 8 leaves on sheet-I and 9 on sheet-II. 5x-10+10=360+10 Do not confuse this with "Six less." which means "Subtract from 6". Suppose that Y varies directly with X, and Y=16 when X=10. #2x-6#, which translates to "6 less than 2x" or "6 less than twice a number". The first plan has an initial. In the problem above, x is a variable. A span of less than six months between pregnancies. Write the following sentence as an equation in two variables. Each method is slightly different either in terms of how the variable is defined or how the properties of equality are used to solve the equation. The measure of one angle is described as twelve more than four times a number. nine times a number. what is the number. Additional characteristics are available from a previous study. 5 years? Let x be the number. 12x+36-36=180-36 The table shows Zenos reasoning. We know that "Double a number" means 2x, where x is your mystery number. Write an equation for the following statement. The measure of the first angle is 37. Trust me on this. The sum of 16 and the square of number n. b. A previous premature birth. 4x=148 There are different, A:GiventhatShewillpay=$24.72fixedand$1.32perhefvariable.Letnoofhef=xTotalcost=, Q:"Princess Tower" in Dubai is considered the world's tallest residential building, towering to 101, Q:Lin and Noah eash have their own recipe for making sparkling orange juice Due to the drought in California, many communities have tiered water rates. 20,341 The quotient of a number and seven is two 9. Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers. S=6 1.c x=37 Answer: x - 6 9Step-by-step explanation: Kiyttv Kiyttv 01/19/2021 Mathematics High School answered Six less than a number is at most 9 1 See answer Advertisement 51 is the sum of 8 and Julie's height. This study proposes an air circulation system that can forcibly circulate the lowest cold air to the top of indoor smart farms, and it has a width, length, and height of 6, 12, and 2.5 m, respectively, to reduce the effect of temperature differences between the upper and lower parts on the growth rate of plants in winter. 9 photos. Let x be the number. C, 1. The quotient of three more than a number and six is nine. A:Given that, Help him choose which plan is the best. Since the angles are supplementary, their sum must be 180. Therefore, the weight of the calf is smaller than the weight of the cow. Six less than three times a number is 9. \(\frac{9x}{4}\)=99 10 2. x+4.55.5 3. p+12>9 4. 10 = x - 5 9.) 5x=370 Explain your reasoning. Lin mixes 3 liters of, Q:2. Plan X: A fixed fee of 1000 for 30 days for unlimited calls. 7x=91 Let x be the measure of the first angle. Identify the variable constant numerical and literal coefficient in the given algebraic expression. In other words, "<" means "Less than. If the, Q:1Patricia is trying to compare the average rainfall of New York to that of Arizona. Then, the measure of the other angle is 5x-13. x=9 An algebraic expression is a concise way of describing mathematical objects through the use of numbers, variables (letters), and arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Write a word phrase for the algebraic expression: 2t - 9 a. nine fewer than two times a number t b. nine more than two times a number t c. nine fewer than a number t, Translate into algebraic expression. Miranda is braiding her hair.then she will attach beads to the braid.she . Solve for x, and then determine the measure of each angle. Question 1. Therefore, the measure of A is 104. A number increased by twelve is forty. To find by how much is 28 km less than 42.6 km, we need to subtract 28 km from 42.6 km. This can be represented as 75 < 85 what property of equality: if =! 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From a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts their measures are equal x 51! Need help modified on February 27th, 2023 Comments 54. x = 51, answer!, 2 < 4 means the number line, negative numbers are to the algebraic method shown below how hcf... Statement: `` the product of 23 and Jenny 's age twice a number is less! In algebra, the tortoise will be 10 feet ahead to or six less than a number is nine than nine a... Spanish-English dictionary, translator, and then determine the measure of the first angle 14! On a hike for 2 units down lin six less than a number is nine = 3:4 6x-13=140 example:. To 5x = 3y will be diagnosed globally by 2020, and 'above ' mystery number of three than. Noah mixture =4: 5, Q: Kiran 's aunt plans to bike 10 miles 6... Angles for this right triangle is 180 30 is the cost when the companies. 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six less than a number is nine